[9] The rate of decline in cases depends on a disease's R0, with diseases with lower R0 values experiencing sharper declines. [9][26][27] Vaccines against STIs that are targeted at one sex result in significant declines in STIs in both sexes if vaccine uptake in the target sex is high. [31][37] Emerging or ongoing fears and controversies about vaccination have reduced or eliminated herd immunity in certain communities, allowing preventable diseases to persist in or return to these communities. Its discovery was one of the major achievements of 20th century science, gradually emerging in the 1920s and then becoming ever more refined throughout the 20th century. [28] Aber 2008 galten nur noch wenige Länder als endemisch für Polioviren (Nigeria, Indien, Pakistan, Afghanistan). [9][27], Herd immunity itself acts as an evolutionary pressure on certain viruses, influencing viral evolution by encouraging the production of novel strains, in this case referred to as escape mutants, that are able to "escape" from herd immunity and spread more easily. Hohe Durchimpfungsraten in einer Altersgruppe können auch Personen in anderen Altersgruppen vor Erkrankung an diesem Krankheitserreger schützen,[5] beispielsweise ungeimpfte Säuglinge und Kleinkinder[5][14][18][19][20] oder ältere Menschen. New Delhi: Health experts said on Thursday that India seems to be moving towards getting herd immunity from COVID-19 as cases decline. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), herd immunity is a situation in which sufficient proportions of a population are immune to an infectious disease to make its spread from person to person unlikely. [48] Aufklärung über den Herdeneffekt kann die Impfmüdigkeit senken. Er dient, Personen, die nicht wirksam geimpft werden können, Personen, die noch nicht geimpft werden können, Rück-Mutation attenuierter Lebendimpfstoffe, Impfungen ohne Aussicht auf Herdenimmunität. herd immunity A measure of the transmission potential of a disease, which corresponds to the number of secondary infections produced by a typical case of an infection in a population that is totally susceptible, and can be quantified by counting the number of secondary cases following the introduction of an infection into a totally susceptible population. [4][5] Once the herd immunity threshold has been reached, disease gradually disappears from a population. [22] Vaccinating children against pneumococcus and rotavirus has had the effect of reducing pneumococcus- and rotavirus-attributable hospitalizations for older children and adults, who do not normally receive these vaccines. [63][71], Protection generated from passive immunity is immediate, but wanes over the course of weeks to months, so any contribution to herd immunity is temporary. Herd immunity has been a popular topic of discussion in recent months due to the global spread of COVID-19. Das wichtigste Beispiel für diese Art von negativen Effekten von Bevölkerungsimpfungen ist die Rückmutation des Erregers im oralen Polio-Impfstoff (OPV) in eine wieder humanpathogene Variante, die dem Wild-Virus ähnelt und Erkrankungen Dritter durch dieses Virus (engl. [9] For these reasons, in certain populations it may be necessary to immunize high-risk persons or individuals of both sexes to establish herd immunity. Impfkampagnen, die die notwendige Herdenimmunität nicht erreichen, können unter Umständen die Häufigkeit von Krankheitskomplikationen bei Nicht-Geimpften erhöhen. [44][45] C. ulcerans ist in der Lage, das Diphtherie-Toxin zu bilden und damit die systemischen Symptome der Erkrankung auszulösen. Herdenimmunität kann verstanden werden als:[1][3][4]. “Herd immunity is the required proportion of a population that needs to be immune to a pathogen to stop it from spreading within that same community. In höherem Alter werden Masern schwerer erkannt, sodass beispielsweise Masernpneumonien verspätet angemessen behandelt werden. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 30. [42][43][44][45], Herd immunity is vulnerable to the free rider problem. HI [11][12][13][14] Daneben können Kontraindikationen zu einer mangelnden Immunität beitragen. [9][29][56] If a population is immune to a disease in excess of that disease's HIT, the number of cases reduces at a faster rate, outbreaks are even less likely to happen, and outbreaks that occur are smaller than they would be otherwise. [55][56][57], Die Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs unter Boris Johnson sprach sich anfänglich für eine Strategie der Herdenimmunität durch natürliche Durchseuchung aus. Only vaccination contributes to this reduction. In these networks, transmission only occurs between those who are geographically or physically close to one another. The remaining 5% will be protected by the fact that measles will not spread among those who are vaccinated. [1] In the 1970s, the theorem used to calculate a disease's herd immunity threshold was developed. Bei nachlassenden Impfbemühungen in den Nachbarländern kommt es zwar immer wieder zu Ausbrüchen der Poliomyelitis durch Re-Importe, so 2006 in Namibia. [36][37] Initial vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae significantly reduced nasopharyngeal carriage of vaccine serotypes (VTs), including antibiotic-resistant types,[22][38] only to be entirely offset by increased carriage of non-vaccine serotypes (NVTs). Herd immunity. Rückmutation attenuierter Lebendimpfstoffe. [60], In einem Interview mit Radio Eins schlug auch die deutsche Virologin Karin Mölling eine solche, ebenfalls unkontrollierte Strategie vor. [58][59] Schweden verfolgte unter seinem Epidemiologen Anders Tegnell über Monate hinweg eine Strategie mit nur wenig Kontaktbeschränkungen und anderen Auflagen, musste sie aber Ende November 2020 wegen hoher Zahlen von vor allem älteren Toten und von Infizierten beim medizinischen Personal korrigieren. This immunity can be stimulated by vaccination or recovery following infection. [26][27][28] Herd immunity from female vaccination does not, however, extend to homosexual males. For all Punjabi music fans, check-out latest Punjabi song 'Lalkare' sung by Tanishq Kaur. [38], Nach der Impfung gegen Keuchhusten treten zwar über die Plazenta Antikörper auf die Neugeborenen über. “I don't think we can still say that Pune has achieved, or is reaching, herd immunity. 0 [5] Tetanus, for example, is infectious but not contagious, so herd immunity does not apply. But in reality, populations are "heterogenous" meaning people only mix with a limited number of other groups. Animation und interaktiver Simulator zur Herdenimmunität. Änderungen vorherrschender Erreger-Species. For polio, the threshold is about 80%. Find out how it affects infectious diseases like COVID-19. The Problem of Herd-Immunity", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Herd_immunity&oldid=998214383, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 09:35. [41] Then, the equation can be rearranged to place p by itself as follows: With p being by itself on the left side of the equation, it can be renamed as pc, representing the critical proportion of the population needed to be immune to stop the transmission of disease, which is the same as the "herd immunity threshold" HIT. When the HIT is reached, the number of additional infections begins to taper off, but it does not immediately drop to zero. Ein bedeutendes Beispiel hierfür ist der Pneumokokkenimpfstoff. Die in der Tabelle aufgeführte Herdenimmunitätsschwelle (HIT) ist nicht identisch mit der mindestens notwendigen Durchimpfungsrate: Abweichend vom Basis-Modell hängt das tatsächlich erreichbare Ausmaß von Herdenimmunität und Herdeneffekt von vorgenannten Einflussgrößen ab. Herd immunity (also called herd effect, community immunity, population immunity, or social immunity) is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity. of parental vaccine hesitancy", "Public trust and vaccine acceptance – international perspectives", "Conscious consideration of herd immunity in influenza vaccination decisions", History and Epidemiology of Global Smallpox Eradication, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Estimates of the reproduction number for seasonal, pandemic, and zoonotic influenza: A systematic review of the literature", "Different epidemic curves for severe acute respiratory syndrome reveal similar impacts of control measures", "Estimating the Reproduction Number of Ebola Virus (EBOV) During the 2014 Outbreak in West Africa", 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.91afb5e0f279e7f29e7056095255b288, "What is the best control strategy for multiple infectious disease outbreaks? [1][41] Mandatory vaccination may be beneficial to eradication efforts if not enough people choose to get vaccinated. [35] Soweit die Zunahme Serotypen betrifft, die nicht vom Impfstoff erfasst werden, kann der Effekt der Impfung geringer sein als aufgrund der Vakzine-Effektivität gegen die im Impfstoff enthaltenen Serotypen zu erwarten war. [7] Vaccinating adults against pertussis reduces pertussis incidence in infants too young to be vaccinated, who are at the greatest risk of complications from the disease. [49] Bei Polio wird die Eradikation durch politisch bedingte Unruhen und Misstrauen gegenüber der modernen Medizin verzögert. Herd immunity is immunity from or resistance to a specific infectious disease throughout a population that results from a majority of that population having been exposed to that infection, such as by having been vaccinated for it or having been previously infected by it. The World Health Organization, for reasons unknown, has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology: herd immunity. [63] Der Rechtsmediziner Klaus Püschel hielt in einem Interview am 8. Herd immunity is not a part of it…that is a scientific concept, not a goal or a strategy. transmission) der betreffenden Erreger, was die Eradikation von Geschlechtskrankheiten erschwert. [22][24][23][25][23], Im günstigsten Fall kann eine Krankheit so durch ausreichend hohe Impfraten in einer Bevölkerung sogar ausgerottet (Eradikation) werden, d. h., der Krankheitserreger kommt endemisch nicht mehr vor. vaccine-induced pathogen strain replacement). [1] In recent decades, it has been recognized that the dominant strain of a microorganism in circulation may change due to herd immunity, either because of herd immunity acting as an evolutionary pressure or because herd immunity against one strain allowed another already-existing strain to spread. What is ‘herd immunity’? This can occur naturally, whereby maternal antibodies, primarily immunoglobulin G antibodies, are transferred across the placenta and in colostrum to fetuses and newborns. [3] The greater the proportion of immune individuals in a community, the smaller the probability that non-immune individuals will come into contact with an infectious individual. Wird ein zu geringer Anteil der Bevölkerung geimpft, senkt dies „nur“ die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Ansteckung bei den Nicht-Geimpften, statt eine Infektion über die Herdenimmunität zu verhindern. Die häufiger gewordene Erreger-Art kann beispielsweise zusätzlich zum Menschen auch andere Lebewesen („hosts“) als Reservoire haben und sich insoweit der Eradikation entziehen. This threshold can be calculated from the effective reproduction number Re, which is obtained by taking the product of the basic reproduction number R0, the average number of new infections caused by each case in an entirely susceptible population that is homogeneous, or well-mixed, meaning each individual can come into contact with every other susceptible individual in the population,[9][29][42] and S, the proportion of the population who are susceptible to infection, and setting this product to be equal to 1: S can be rewritten as (1 − p), where p is the proportion of the population that is immune so that p + S equals one. [11] Certain individuals are more likely to choose not to receive vaccines if vaccination rates are high enough to convince a person that he or she may not need to be vaccinated, since a sufficient percentage of others are already immune. [7] Herd immunity applies only to contagious disease, meaning that it is transmitted from one individual to another. [8][11][16][17] Schwangere, die noch nicht vor Röteln durch Infektion oder Impfung geschützt sind, werden nicht mit den derzeit üblichen Kombinations-Impfstoffen gegen Röteln geimpft, weil diese lebende Erreger enthalten, deren Unbedenklichkeit für die Ungeborenen nicht gesichert ist. herd effect) in Zusammenhang gebracht: Der Begriff Herdenimmunität wird also in unterschiedlicher Bedeutung verwendet. [60] After the successful introduction and widespread use of a vaccine, sharp declines in the incidence of diseases it protects against can be observed, which decreases the number of hospitalizations and deaths caused by such diseases.[64][65][66]. [5][21], Hochrisikoverhalten beim Geschlechtsverkehr führt zu einer hohen Übertragungsrate (engl. Herdenimmunität ist kein statisches Phänomen. The new generation OCV is safe and offers good protection in older children and adults while limited protection in younger children less than five years of age has been observed. The combination of direct vaccine protection and vaccine herd immunity effects makes OCV highly cost-effective and, therefore, attractive for use in developing countries. For example, herd immunity against measles requires about 95% of a population to be vaccinated. [29] Die wegen Nebenwirkung der oralen Polioimpfung (OPV) mit abgeschwächten Erregern inzwischen bevorzugte Nadelimpfung mit inaktivierten Erregern (IPV) hat ihrerseits den Nachteil, dass sie keine sterile Immunität erzeugt, wie 2013 der Ausbruch einer Polio-Epidemie in Israel zeigte. [43][56], An assumption in these calculations is that populations are homogeneous, or well-mixed, meaning that every individual comes into contact with every other individual, when in reality populations are better described as social networks as individuals tend to cluster together, remaining in relatively close contact with a limited number of other individuals. Herd immunity definition is - a reduction in the risk of infection with a specific communicable disease (such as measles or influenza) that occurs when a significant proportion of the population has become immune to infection (as because of previous exposure or vaccination) so that susceptible individuals are much less likely to come in contact with infected individuals. Herdenimmunität (von englisch herd immunity) bezeichnet in der Epidemiologie eine indirekte Form des Schutzes vor einer ansteckenden Krankheit, der entsteht, wenn ein hoher Prozentsatz einer Population bereits immun geworden ist – sei es durch Infektion oder durch Impfung –, sodass sich die Ausbreitungsmöglichkeiten des Erregers innerhalb der Population insgesamt vermindern. Um dies zu berücksichtigen, wird die Gleichung um die Größe E, den Faktor der Wirksamkeit ( [1] During the smallpox eradication campaign in the 1960s and 1970s, the practice of ring vaccination, to which herd immunity is integral, began as a way to immunize every person in a "ring" around an infected individual to prevent outbreaks from spreading. Herd immunity refers to a large portion of a community developing a degree of immunity to a virus, thereby reducing person-to-person spread. Änderungen vorherrschender Serotypen (Serotypen-Replacement). [1][10], Besondere Bedeutung besitzt die Herdenimmunität für Personen, die nicht mit ausreichender Wirksamkeit geimpft werden können, beispielsweise Personen mit Immunsuppression (Erkrankung des Immunsystems wie HIV-Infektion, Lymphom, Knochenmarkkrebs oder Leukämie; Chemotherapie oder Strahlentherapie; Einnahme von Immunsuppressiva nach Organtransplantation). [1][60] Modeling of the spread of infectious disease originally made a number of assumptions, namely that entire populations are susceptible and well-mixed, which is not the case in reality, so more precise equations have been developed. This definition dissociates herd immunity from the indirect protection observed in the unimmunised segment of a population in which a large proportion is immunised, for which the term 'herd effect' is proposed. [27] Gleiches wurde global inzwischen für Polio nahezu erreicht. What does herd immunity mean? [51][52][53][54], Herdenimmunität als Folge von Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 oder Impfung gegen diesen Erreger wird auch im Zuge der COVID-19-Pandemie erforscht, diskutiert und angestrebt. [22][23][24] Influenza (flu) is more severe in the elderly than in younger age groups, but influenza vaccines lack effectiveness in this demographic due to a waning of the immune system with age. Herd immunity definition: protection against the rapid spread of a disease that is achieved when a large number of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Dies bedeutet, dass die Ansteckung, falls sie dann stattfindet, oft nicht mehr im Kindesalter erfolgt, was bei einigen Krankheiten, wie etwa Mumps, Röteln, Polio, Windpocken, gefährlicher ist. [3] Some individuals cannot become immune because of medical conditions, such as an immunodeficiency or immunosuppression, and for this group herd immunity is a crucial method of protection. [46] Aber C. ulcerans hat anders als C. diphtheriae sein Reservoir in Tieren (auch Haustieren), was seine Eradikation erschwert. The exact herd immunity threshold (HIT) varies depending on the disease. circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, cVDPV) hervorrufen kann. immunity definition: 1. a situation in which you are protected against disease or from legal action: 2. a situation in…. ", "Duration of Pertussis Immunity After DTaP Immunization: A Meta-analysis", "Pneumococcal vaccines for children: A global public health priority", "Post-licensure experience with rotavirus vaccination in high and middle income countries; 2006 to 2011", "Seasonal influenza and vaccine herd effect", "Reducing HPV-associated cancer globally", "Rome Consensus Conference – statement; human papilloma virus diseases in males", "Viral evolution and transmission effectiveness", "Epidemiology of human noroviruses and updates on vaccine development", "Structural basis of influenza virus neutralization", "Serotype replacement in disease after pneumococcal vaccination", "Novel pneumococcal serotypes 6C and 6D: Anomaly or harbinger", "Smallpox: Can we still learn from the journey to eradication? Lässt der Herdeneffekt aber nach, werden nicht Geimpfte oft erst in höherem Alter infiziert. [9] Opposition to vaccination has posed a challenge to herd immunity, allowing preventable diseases to persist in or return to populations with inadequate vaccination rates.[10][11][12]. [1] Vaccines are usually imperfect however, so the effectiveness, E, of a vaccine must be accounted for: From this equation, it can be observed that if E is less than (1 − 1/R0), then it is impossible to eliminate a disease, even if the entire population is vaccinated. HERD immunity seems to be the buzz world in academic and scientific circles as the world hopes for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. [1][60] Vaccination is originally based on the observation that milkmaids exposed to cowpox were immune to smallpox, so the practice of inoculating people with the cowpox virus began as a way to prevent smallpox. [15] Individuals who are immunodeficient due to HIV/AIDS, lymphoma, leukemia, bone marrow cancer, an impaired spleen, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy may have lost any immunity that they previously had and vaccines may not be of any use for them because of their immunodeficiency. {\displaystyle \operatorname {HI} _{\min }} [9], Vaccines usually have at least one contraindication for a specific population for medical reasons, but if both effectiveness and coverage are high enough herd immunity can protect these individuals. While the concept is most commonly used in the context of vaccination, herd community can also be achieved after enough people have become immune after being infected. Oberhalb eines bestimmten Schwellenwerts der Immunität in einer Bevölkerung verringert sich die Weitergabe des Erregers immer mehr, schließlich reißt die Infektkette ab, es kommt in dieser Population nicht mehr zu Infektionen. Hedrich, A. W. (1933). People contract the disease and develop an immune response. In Südkorea war bei 91 bereits genesenen Patienten das Virus mittels PCR erneut nachgewiesen worden; jedoch blieb unklar, ob dies einem erneuten Kranksein entspricht. Austausch oder eine Erweiterung der Antigene im Impfstoff Pakistan, Afghanistan ) choose to get.! [ 14 ] Daneben können Kontraindikationen zu einer Erhöhung der in der Regel hohe... One another unkontrollierte Strategie vor einen Verlauf bis hin zu einer hohen Übertragungsrate ( engl der definition von als! 8 ] Mass vaccination to induce herd immunity from female vaccination does not apply infectious diseases with. A limited number of other groups höhere Durchimpfungsraten für einen Herdeneffekt als indirektem Schutz [ 3 ] gefolgt beispielsweise im. Faktor E zu einer hohen Übertragungsrate ( engl aber 2008 galten nur noch wenige Länder endemisch! Spread to those people who can not have vaccines '' meaning people only mix with high... 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