Presented here for your edification are 12 classic blues phrases, each with a certified pedigree. As this scale contains a major third it can obviously be used on a tonic major chord. The mighty T-Bone cut heads in tunes like Strolling with Bones with this powerful diminished chord voicing, shown in FIGURE 11. Notice that it contains the root, b3rd, 4th, b5th, 5th and b7th degrees of an A major scale. Licks are short musical phrases used in jazz, blues and rock improvising. King Box” (because he spent so much time there from the Sixties onward), contains the same scale degrees as the previous box but covers more of the fingerboard. Although this scale can be used over the entire 12 bars, it will sound boring very quickly, especially if used in scale runs; it is also better to use the scale in short motifs. Note that although both scales can be used over one key, this scale contains the same notes as its relative minor (Am in this case). To hear me play the lick, jump to 2:40 in the video. B.B. That means the blues scale is a pentatonic minor scale with the raised fourth aka lowered fifth (in addition to the perfect fourth). rock-blues, funk-r&b blues, gospel blues, boogie-woogie blues for all levels from beginner to advanced. This is because they work best when all the chords are major type chords: A horizontal riff repeats at the same basic pitch, but some notes are changed slightly to fit the chord sequence: This example shows the very typical change from the major 3rd (E natural) of the I chord, down a semitone to the flattened 7th (Eb) of the IV chord, which is , of course, the same note as the b3 of the I chord or basic key of the tune. E flat Blues (Concert G flat) 6. Start with your index finger, switching to your ring finger for the full-step bend of the 5th (E) to the 6th (F#). B flat Blues (Concert A flat) 4. A flat Blues (Concert C flat) 7. Prominently displayed in Crosscut Saw and Born Under a Bad Sign, it hovers and swoops like bird of prey. King-isms, and this one is no exception. This scale can also have a passing blue note. Improvisation Lessons, Saxophone-Lessons, Saxophone-Practice Tips / By Jay Metcalf / June 14, 2020 July 10, 2020 Today we’re going to talk about a very simple blues lick. Instruments capable of bending notes can also use flexible intonation to imply blues. Check out the solos and analyses of blues, especially the great Rock and Roll solo Walking With Mr Lee by Lee Allen So don’t just transcribe to learn the licks, write the solo down, learn it by ear but above all think about it and analyse it. The resulting dyad (A–C) provides the 5th and b7th of the IV chord, reinforcing its bluesy, dominant 7th flavor. Note the use of Eb as a passing tone between E and D, and the half-step bend from the B to C - neither of these twists belongs to the A blues scale. A flat Blues (Concert G flat) 6. Before we dive in, let’s take a look at three blues scale patterns that form the basis of our 12 licks. I shall refer to it as the minor blues scale. 3) Use the solos as a library of patterns or licks. F sharp Blues (Concert A) 9. King, but credit Jimi Hendrix and his version of Red House with securing it a spot in the Blues Hall of Fame. FIGURE 16 presents a very straightforward take on our 12 licks. Mastering the Blues Scale Volume 2 Dominant Chords has 127 great blues licks in all 12 keys. This Blues sax riff is taken from the book 100 Ultimate Blues Riffs for Bb tenor sax. Use one continuous upstroke to zip down the run to the 5th (E). Garth Webber: blues guitar Tony Lufrano: keys Endre Tarczy: bass Jimmy Sanchez: drums. Resolving to the root (A) of the I chord allows us the opportunity to follow with a lick that can chart an entirely new course, which is exactly what we see next. It is a PDF file that you can download immediately so you can get to work. Walk down the chromatic run (E-Eb-D) with your ring, middle and index fingers. Additionally, almost every … Some players have a memorised collection or repertoire of favourite licks that they will throw into a solo every now and then. Lesson 1 PDF/MP3/MIDI/MP4video file ADG063-01 Bb version. Riffs, on the other hand, are usually licks or phrases that are repeated as part of a tune or improvised backings. So if you like blues harmonica songs, jazz saxophone blues, guitar blues, jazz blues, fast blues, slow blues, 12 bar blues … you’re gonna love this music! E flat Blues (Concert D flat) 5. This compact shape, known colloquially as the “Albert King Box” - because King virtually lived there after he signed with Stax/Volt Records in 1966 - is an especially finger-friendly position. About the tutorials. Notice that it contains the root, b3rd, 4th, b5th, 5th and b7th degrees of an A major scale. When we talk about blues saxophone players we’re usually referring to the early contributors of rock and roll. The melodies are are developed just like an improvisor would 'Jazz … Fingering, transposing, Blues, videos, Vibrato, subtone, altissimo, embouchure, tuning, Licks & patterns. Start with your ring finger, using it for the full-step bend and the repeat of the root (A). However it should not be used on a IV7 chord as the major third of the scale becomes the major seventh of the F7, and is not a useful dissonance (unlike the minor third on a major chord which is a useful dissonance). So find a lick or two that you like and practice it up and down the neck. Harold lands on the 3rd of every chord on beat. authored by Andrew D. Gordon available from the publisher A.D.G. This is either done by moving (transposing) the whole riff up or down with the chord change, or by just changing one or two notes – notably the 3rd from major to minor or vice versa. Blues Saxophone Players of Fame and Influence. Our first lick, FIGURE 4, is a striking opening phrase to be played over a I chord. You must confirm your email address before we can send you. Ex 5: Major blues scale (major pentatonic with passing note). F Blues (Concert A flat) 4. Articulate the half-step bend with your ring finger. The bends to the b5th (Eb) and the b7th (G) tantalize our auditory nerves before resolving smoothly to the 4th (D), which is the root of the IV chord. function wonderaudio_9_appendcss(csscode) {var head=document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];var style=document.createElement("style");head.appendChild(style);style.type="text/css";if (style.styleSheet){style.styleSheet.cssText=csscode;} else {style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(csscode));}};wonderaudio_9_appendcss(".wonderpluginaudio {margin:0 !important; } .amascrollbar /* this is the background*/ {background-color:gray !important} .amascrollthumb /* this is the handle*/ {background-color:silver !important} .amazingaudioplayer-image {width:200px !important; height:200px !important}");wonderaudio_9_appendcss("#wonderpluginaudio-9 { box-sizing: content-box; } #wonderpluginaudio-9 div { -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; } #wonderpluginaudio-9 .amazingaudioplayer-image { display: block; 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