By applying hot packs to soften the sore and cutting into them with knifes. Secondly, the practice was dangerous. Still others mocked God; H.F. lamented that the company of men at Pye Tavern should be so blasphemous of their Creator. From a Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe study guide by Nicholas_Cerbone includes 25 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Seeing that many dead bodies day in day out would be an everyday occurance. Defoe is a master of depicting human suffering during the plague through his usage of powerful images and evocations of sound. Here we see a city transformed: some of its streets suspiciously empty, some—with crosses on their doors—overwhelmingly full of the sounds and smells of human suffering. Which of the following best describes a new understanding created by reading and comparing Inferno: A Doctor’s Ebola Story and A Journal of the Plague Year? In the end, it does not seem to matter much whether or not this work is a novel or a record; it is both, and it is immeasurably moving and meaningful. Healthy people fell sick when imprisoned in their house with sick relatives. The novel is written in the first-person and chronicles the spread of the bubonic plague in London in 1665. Londoners lamented the loss of their freedom, autonomy, and sanity as houses were shut up. Not only does he continuously refer to the plague as God's will, he bases his decision to remain within the city on a moment of bibliomancy. 1.Why are women and children shrieking at the doors and windows of their houses? It was unclear from the online form whether the event would be treated as a hate crime – the question relating to this focused on race and ethnicity, which weren’t at issue here. They confessed their sins, prayed for mercy, and tried to alter their ways. Hackney coach drivers had to follow certain rules if a sick person rode with them. A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe being Observations or Memorials of the most remarkable occurrences, as well public as private, which happened in London during the last great visitation in 1665. What were the symptoms of the plague? The Question and Answer section for A Journal of the Plague Year is a great FRESH CONTENT UPLOADED DAILY. The people believed they were out of harm's way and began to run about in public and not pay attention to whom they associated with. Finally, he supports the city officials and corrects any rumors that they did not pick up dead bodies. Explain the ways the author believed it changed everything. This happy development was short-lived, however, and conditions returned to normal after the plague. It is a novel – actually, it is more a set of loose vignettes – but offers a description of what people during this period thought of and remembered about the plague. In particular, he thought pregnant and nursing women should remove themselves right away. Is the Journal better classified as fact or fiction? His work was to provide advice, instruction, and comfort to people who feared a return of the 1665 distemper. A Journal of the Plague Year Questions and Answers. Because it was an incredibly depressing time. Here we see a city transformed: some of its streets suspiciously empty, some—with crosses on their doors—overwhelmingly full of the sounds and smells of human suffering. Thus, religion was comforting for most people and was a way to attempt to give some meaning to the terrible distemper. Finally, he hoped his Journal would change the hearts and minds of people; they should be more moral, reasonable, and grateful for their deliverance. Many of the characters are real, and many of the stories can be traced to actual incidents from the plague. The question of authorship is inseparably linked to whether the Journal is a novel or an historical record. The people of London, particularly the poor, reacted to these omens and prophecies in a hysterical, irrational fashion. Defoe prints the Orders at length in the Journal, revealing a city government that was trying, in the most organized fashion possible, to control the plague and keep the city calm and orderly. The Journal, then, seems to be a hybrid of history and fiction. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Start studying Journal of a Plague year Questions. The first time I read Daniel Defoe’s A Journal of the Plague Year was in 2002, two years before the SARS outbreak. Londoners went about their business,... A Journal of the Plague Year study guide contains a biography of Daniel Defoe, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Before we even began reading A Journal of the Plague Year together, it felt like an obvious choice as we try to find our way through this pandemic. What advice does Defoe want to impart to his readers if plague is to come again? He gives away his own money to the boatman so he could feed his family. Also, he didn't come in contact with enough people to spread it effectively. How does the man cure himself of the plague? How does the narrator gain access to the burial pit? Watchmen were ordered to stand guard outside the houses so no one could escape. H.F. lauds their endurance and ingenuity and establishes himself as a paragon of compassion and humanity. The following paragraph quoted from back cover of the New American Library version of A Journal of the Plague Year (Signet Classics, 1960.) Choose from 179 different sets of A Journal of the Plague Year flashcards on Quizlet. (Haz clic acá para español. Defoe's imagination is vibrant, and many of the stories related are clearly fictional. He is a compassionate man, full of mercy and kindness for the poor and the sick. Share Your Story. As late as 1965, the historian and critic F. Bastian could still wonder about how the question of authorship affected how much we could “trust” Defoe’s work [Bastian, F: “Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year Reconsidered.” A Journal of the Plague Year. On the one hand, he lauds city officials for this practice, realizing that it kept a great many sick people off of the streets. There were several responses to religion during the plague. What are the two contradictory endings of the poor piper anecdote? Journal of a Plague Year Questions. He is touched by the stories of human suffering and redemption during the plague. He is also a man who feels guilt intensely, and much of his internment in his house is spent praying and confessing. Defoe allows his (mostly) fictional narrator to utilize both fact and fiction to relate a story of immense tragedy and suffering. He jumps into the river and swims which stretched out his sores and the water cooled his temperature. I don't understand what you mean by Inferno. H.F. did these very things as well, pointing multiple times to the fact that the plague was from God and spending a copious amount of time praying to be absolved of his sins. The Orders set up a system for the shutting up of houses, appointing people to search them and ascertain if there were any sick people within. There were rules regarding the burial of the dead and the clothing of infected persons. Start studying From "A Journal of the Plague Year" by Daniel Defoe. McKeever, Christine ed. He believed that the poor were affected far more intensely than the rich, and commended the government for taking care of them as best they could. However, Defoe used real historical sources in writing this work; he includes bills of mortality, copious data and statistics, and medical information. Why do you think the narrator chooses not to name the merchant? A Journal of the Plague Year, account of the Great Plague of London in 1664–65, written by Daniel Defoe and published in 1722. "It was about the Beginning of September 1664..." to "But I must go back to the Beginning of this Surprizing Time...", "But I must go back again to the Beginning of this Surprizing Time..." to "These Orders of my Lord Mayor's were publish'd...", Summary and Analysis for "These Orders of my Lord Mayor's were publish'd..." to "In other Cases, some had Gardens, and Walls...", "In other Cases, some had Gardens, and Walls..." to "It was thought that there were not less than 10000 Houses forsaken...", "It was thought that there were not less than 10000 Houses forsaken..." to "I have already mentioned the Surprize...", "I have already mentioned the Surprize..." to "I returned to my own Dwelling very well satisfied with my Days Journey...", "I returned to my own Dwelling very well satisfied with my Days Journey..." to "Here the Watch plac'd upon Bow Bridge would have question'd them...", "Here the Watch plac'd upon Bow Bridge would have question'd them..." to "I give this Story thus at large...", "I give this Story thus at large..." to "This might be sufficient to convince any reasonable Person...", "This might be sufficient to convince any reasonable Person..." to "This leads me again to mention the Time...", "This leads me again to mention the Time..." to "It is true, that the next Year made them full amends by another terrible Calamity upon the City...", "It is true, that the next Year made them full amends by another terrible Calamity upon the City..." to the End of the Novel, Read the Study Guide for A Journal of the Plague Year…, Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year: An Examination of the Effects of Apocalyptic Disease on Humanity, Class Distinctions in A Journal of the Plague Year, Autonomy and the Physical Body: Defoe's "A Journal of the Plague Year" and Pope's "The Rape of the Lock", The Plague Diaries of Samuel Pepys and Daniel Defoe: A Historical Overview, View our essays for A Journal of the Plague Year…, Read the E-Text for A Journal of the Plague Year…, View Wikipedia Entries for A Journal of the Plague Year…. The swelling from the plague caused people to go insane, sometimes trying to burn their own skin or throwing themselves into burial pits to relieve their suffering. Defoe's work is a testament to human fortitude and endurance, but it is also a record of the tremendous pains and privations suffered by the population. As this is a first-person narrative, information about H.F. can only be gleaned from his personal recollections and ruminations. H.F. is also very contradictory and fickle; he cannot seem to make up his mind on whether or not the shutting up of houses was ultimately beneficial or not. He appears to be a profoundly religious man. Published in 1722, nearly 57 years after the events depicted, the work is a first-person narrative told from the perspective of H.F., a saddler. To learn more about H.F.'s account of the plague, review the corresponding lesson called Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year: Summary & Analysis. Name Date from A Journal of the Plague Year Copy Master Reading Check Directions: Recall the events in Daniel Defoe’s work of fiction. )We accept all sorts of materials into the digital archive, including textual stories and digital objects—images, video, audio interviews, tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram or Snapchat memes, PDFs, screenshots of the news and emails. Thirdly, the practice made people immeasurably angrier, crazed, and depressed than they would have been if they were allowed to go free. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Then answer the questions in phrases or sentences. Fortunetellers and philosophers spread their ideas that a calamity was coming. This question came out of a elements of literature book. He is remarkably sympathetic and understanding of the plight of the poor, commending the virtue he observes. Some could control their bodies, many caused self-inflicted pain and yet others killed their own children. Many of the people in the city constantly wore a sorrowful expression. Begging was prohibited. They also burnt them with acid. Written by a CITIZEN who continued all … Many watchmen were beaten and killed by angry citizens who wanted to leave. Grieving fathers, dying mothers, and feeble old women populate his narration. As H.F. relates in his narration, many outsiders believed that the people of London were almost completely given over to selfishness, avarice, and immorality. How do you think experiencing a plague of this magnitude would change a persons attitude toward life and death. On the one hand, there is a fictional narrator and his story of survival is a product of Defoe's imagination. Watchmen were bribed or lied to. How much does the death toll decrease the week the plague begins to subside? He is unmarried and a saddler by profession. He has siblings who fled the city when the plague arrived. How do people act toward the end of the plague? He warned people against wasting their money on quacks and mountebanks, and to be more rational about how the plague was spread. Question: Compare And Contrast A JOURNAL OF THE PLAGUE YEAR By: Daniel Defoe From Inferno: A DOCTOR'S EBOLA STORY GIVE EXAMPLE OF THIS BOTH STORY METAPHOR AND SIMILARITIES. Ultimately, their efforts are successful, especially as major riots were avoided and many people did emerge unscathed from the distemper. The city in question is not Wuhan or Milan or Manhattan. Their ignorance was all-consuming. This question … As devastating as this figure is, it could have been much worse. People lied for their neighbors and masters of the house did not alert the officials right away when someone was ill, thus giving them enough time to get out before the house was shut up. Defoe lived through the plague (he was about five at the time), so Journal of the Plague Year is an interesting "firsthand experience," although probably mostly secondhand. H.F.'s narration, furthermore, is barely even that: it is a messy, digressive, rambling, contradictory, nonlinear affair, populated with government documents (the bills of Mortality and the Orders) and data. What are some of the treatments they used on those infected by the plague? Londoners in 1665 were particularly superstitious, and many of them claimed to have divined omens and prophecies predicting the plague and its function as a tool of God's wrath and judgement. The comet for the plague was "of a faint, dull, languid Color, and its Motion very heavy, solemn, and slow" (21) and it clearly seemed to foretell "a heavy Judgment, slow but severe, terrible and frightful, as was the Plague" (21). Only then could the people avoid being sequestered with the sick or have to come into contact with them in church or the marketplace. He therefore debunks several rumors and refuses to believe many of the anecdotes that reach his ears. Overview. This question hasn't been answered yet Ask an … GradeSaver, 28 October 2012 Web. Astrologers warned that the planets aligned in a malignant manner. A Journal of the Plague Year, written by a citizen who continued all the while in London (Kindle Edition) Published May 17th 2012 by Amazon Digital Services, Inc. Kindle Edition, 187 pages Since there were only a couple of pest-houses, which were quite inaccessible to the poor, the shutting up of houses was really the only way to prevent sick people from walking about and infecting others. However, H.F. later realizes he was in error, and bitterly laments his decision. H.F. is keen to present a portrait of the people of London that is fair and balanced. Finally, though religious, he is also a very rational man: he excoriates the fortunetellers and quacks who preyed on the poor, refuses to believe the stories of angels and demons and spirits, and rejects any absurd hypotheses as to how the plague spread. Thankfully, as the doctors in particular began to prove themselves false, the people of London ceased their interaction with them, and the community of mountebanks and fake astrologers faded. He counseled that the best advice was to run away from the plague. He also believed that if people decided to remain that they must have enough provisions to weather the storm and must remain shut up in their houses for the duration. The city also tried to crack down on assemblies of many people, closing down plays, games, and other gatherings at taverns and alehouses. Home A Journal of the Plague Year Q & A Ask a question and get answers from your fellow students and educators. He does not believe that the poor people wanted to form mobs or ravage the houses of the rich. Defoe wrote the Journal when information of the plague returning to Marseilles was circulating London. The Great Plague: The Great Plague, or bubonic plague, was a major endemic that spread through England from 1665 to 1666. After landing upon a verse from Psalms about plague and endurance, he feels like he has received a mandate from God to stay. SUBSCRIBE HERE TO OUR CHANNEL. He does not believe that nurses were prone to killing their patients. The most conspicuous omens were the comets - one for the plague and one for the fire, as the people believed. It would desensitize a person to the notion of death. H.F. also notes that many of the religious breaches present before the plague were temporarily healed; Londoners went to any church they felt like attending and heard sermons from speakers they would have shunned before the plague. H.F., the narrator, is apparently based on Defoe's own uncle, Henry Foe. How do some people react to the rage and torment of the plague? Thus, this practice was imperfect and H.F. was divided in his opinion. Rotting food was to be destroyed, as well as the animals that roamed about the city. Many Londoners embraced phony religious folk, such as astrologers and fortunetellers. Osborne, Kristen. He takes pains to reveal to the outside world that the city's civility did not collapse; although things were tragic and confusing, they were not chaotic or disorderly. He is never more contradictory in the Journal on any other topic. The Journal is a tale of his experiences during the plague that afflicted London in 1665; the work is thus fiction but is peppered with statistics, data, charts, and government documents. Before the end of 1666, the Bubonic Plague will kill roughly one-quarter of the city’s population. English novelist Daniel Defoe's The Journal of the Plague Year (1722) purports to be the private journal of an unnamed narrator (a saddler by trade) during the Great (bubonic) Plague of 1664–5. A Journal of the Plague Year is one of Daniel Defoe's most popular and strangest works; it is an amalgam of history and fiction that attempts to relate what life was like in London during the plague of 1665-66. Others pointed to the plague as an example of the wrath of God, who was passing judgment upon the city. Riots were avoided and many of the plague Year questions and more with,! Did n't come in contact with enough people to spread it effectively their... Landing upon a verse from Psalms about plague and endurance, he supports city. Shut up other study tools find answers, and to be a hybrid of history and fiction relate., especially as major riots were avoided and many of the plague Year and. Did not pick up dead bodies and his story of survival is a fictional narrator as he traces the progress... Answers from your fellow students and educators and refuses to believe many of the stories related are fictional. 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